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Docusaurus Notes


I use Docusaurus for this site. Docusaurus is a free and open-source static site generator built by Facebook for creating documentation websites. I deploy my website to GitHub Pages and Vercel.

What I like about Docusaurus:

  • You can use professional web development tools and pipelines like VS Code, Terminal, Git, GitHub, and Vercel.
  • You get a left sidebar navigation and right table of contents for your content without much effort.
  • It's in active development and is constantly improving with new features.
  • Its extensible.
  • You can have a copy of the website on your computer and expect that it works the same way as it does in production.

What I don't like about Docusaurus:

  • The downside of using professional web development tools and pipelines is that they're difficult for new users to understand.
  • It can be difficult to keep track of and update dependencies in your codebase. Because you depend on Docusaurus, you often have to use the versions of dependencies that the maintainers of Docusaurus determine. This is usually fine, but it can be limiting for advanced users.


I set up my development environment using a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), the Visual Studio Code editor, and the VS Code WSL extension. You can read more about my setup here.