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Learn to code


I think everyone should learn how to code, or at least the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. One course in web programming can already teach us a lot about how the internet works, enable us to share more information on the internet, and help us customize products to our preferences.

Did you know

According to the 2020 Developer Survey by Stack Overflow, less than 12% of software developers in the United States identify as women. The percentages in other countries are even less. What can you do to support women in tech?



There are plenty of free resources for learning the basics of how to code.

If you are in college, you may also have access to LinkedIn Learning, which I have found to be very useful.


It is important to build products that are accessible by as many people as possible. Not everyone has the same physical abilities or access to the same tools, but everyone deserves equal access to public information. HTML5 has many built-in features that can help improve accessibility, but individual developers need to check that their websites and products are accessible.




There are also plenty of other free and/or open-source resources on JavaScript available for those who want to learn more (many are linked from the MDN tutorial above):

Further Resources


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